Create Your World
Digital Storytelling Workshop
This summer Spectrum Laboratory is bringing back its digital storytelling workshop. we invite you to create your own spectacular world! Imagine the possibilities, giving life to your own original characters and stories in a fantasy world you will design!

Team Up Online With Spectrum Laboratory's Instructors

Begin by working on your original story, describing your own fantasy world and the people and places inside of it. You'll meet with a writing instructor and then an art instructor that will help you create illustrations and a storyboard for your ideas.
Next you’ll create music and underscore for your story. After that you’ll have a chance to perform a voiceover and breathe life into your narration and character voices. Lastly you’ll have an opportunity to select imagery or film original scenes that will be edited into your own magical Universe.
Once we’ve collected all your fantastic ideas we’ll pass it off to our team of editors that will compile everything into a finished product, presenting your original world at our viewing party, alongside other student creators. Be a part of the magic this June and create your world!